Protection Exam Podcast Series - 2024/2025
Paul held a series of conversations on the two protection exams offered to mortgage advisers. CertPro (LIBF) and R05 (CII). The discussions revolved around the syllabus, which is pretty much identical.
The Audio Programme Contents
Financial Protection Trends and Needs - 37 Mins
State Benefits - 41 Mins
Life Assurance and Pension Protection Plans - Part One - 41 Mins
Life Assurance and Pension Protection Plans - Part Two - 35 Mins
Taxation of Life Assurance - 35 Mins
Designed to help you pass both the CII's R05 exam and the LIBF's CertPro exam. Online help and coaching covering the whole syllabus delivered personally by Paul Archer, who’s been training mortgages since 1999 and have helped thousand’s of people.
A video course to help mortgage brokers sell more protection products whilst giving advice on mortgages