Equity Release Revision Guide - Digital Version

Online eBook - Digital Access Only

You’ve decided that passing the Equity Release exams is a great way to expand your business in the growing later-life marketplace. You still have to earn a living full time and this makes it tricky to study as well. But you really want to get your equity release exam under your belt. If this is you, then you’ll favour Paul Archer’s Equity Release Revision Guide. Kindly note this is the digital version accessible only on our learning portal, not a printed book. Below is a link where you can buy the printed version for £39

Equity Release Revision Guide - 2024/2025

Our Equity Release Revision Guide has been designed to complement the CII or LIBF textbook material perfectly. The guide is written in a really lively summary style using bullets rather than long paragraphs. It contains over 200 pages of summary bullet lists, illustrations, tables, cartoons and with a specimen test paper to prepare you for the exam. It is also fully indexed so you can quickly look up all the different subjects you want to study. Here’s a couple of ways you can combine our guide with your existing material.

  • A week before your exam, work through our guide – that way you’ll have a different style of learning to boost your last minute revision.

  • During your studying of the material, you might come across something that’s a bit tricky or you didn’t understand.

  • Other people like to read our Revision Guide and when they want more detail on something they dig out their Text Book.

  • How you use it is up to you. The Revision Guide is indexed so you can quickly look up all the different subjects you want to study. There’s also plenty of summaries to help you learn the key points of things too.

Printed Book Option at £39

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Revision Guide Author

Paul Archer FPSA CeMAP

Founder and Managing Director

Paul Archer began in the mortgage sector in 1983 - 40 years' experience. Mortgage Adviser, Financial Adviser, Manager, Consultant, Trainer and Coach. CeMAP qualified, Level 4 IFA qualified, equity release, supervisory qualified. Author of a myriad of technical texts spanning all areas for both the CII and the LIBF. All team are also fully qualified and experienced. Began teaching CeMAP in 1999, when it started, trained thousands of students. Founder and Managing Director of Archer Training Ltd in 2001 Working with dozens of banks, lenders, brokers and insurers in the UK and the world.