Course curriculum

    1. Workshop Day One 25th November 2025

    2. Workshop Day Two 26th November 2025

About this course

  • £375.00
  • 2 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Paul's Support for the Final Coursework due 8th December 2025

The final assessment of the DipFA qualification is the coursework component, designed to test your ability to apply the knowledge and skills you've gained throughout the programme in a practical, real-world context. This assessment involves a pre-release fact find, requiring you to produce a comprehensive suitability report based on a detailed client scenario.

  • The report will require you to analyse the client's financial situation, identify their needs and goals, and provide comprehensive financial advice.

  • The coursework is an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise in financial planning and your ability to communicate complex information effectively.

  • Live Workshop: Two-day online workshop on 25th and 26th November 2025, focusing on producing a suitability report required for the LIBF with the deadline of 8th December 2025

  • This workshop is scheduled to follow the syllabus, ensuring you have the necessary knowledge to complete the coursework.

  • Paul facilitates the group to create a specimen answer to the coursework case study. Paul will also show how to format and structure your report to gain maximum marks.

Online Tutor

Paul Archer FPSA CeMAP

Founder and Managing Director

Paul Archer began in the mortgage sector in 1983 - 40 years' experience. Mortgage Adviser, Financial Adviser, Manager, Consultant, Trainer and Coach. CeMAP qualified, Level 4 IFA qualified, equity release, supervisory qualified. Author of a myriad of technical texts spanning all areas for both the CII and the LIBF. All team are also fully qualified and experienced. Began teaching CeMAP in 1999, when it started, trained thousands of students. Founder and Managing Director of Archer Training Ltd in 2001 Working with dozens of banks, lenders, brokers and insurers in the UK and the world.